We often hear and read that leadership is crucial in business. In any business. Is this importance overstated? Having worked in the luxury-segment hotel industry, I subscribe to the idea that leaders have a strong influence of how, and how well, the workforce operates – especially in the hotel industry. Leaders not only influence how […]
Compassionate Leadership; not “[Me] First – [Me] First!”
Our working environment will inevitably harbour some employees who have their own self-interests at heart more than they should and those who consider altruism as their guiding principle. The same may well apply to those who lead these employees. The interests of others and our self-interest: it’s a balancing act, after all – for leaders, too. The […]
Compassionate Leadership
Why might Compassionate Leadership work? Our working environment will inevitably consist of some employees who have their own self-interests at heart and those who consider altruism as their guiding principle. The same may well apply to those who lead these employees. The role of any leader, including a ‘compassionate leader’ is, surely, to create an […]