Why might Compassionate Leadership work?
Our working environment will inevitably consist of some employees who have their own self-interests at heart and those who consider altruism as their guiding principle. The same may well apply to those who lead these employees.
The role of any leader, including a ‘compassionate leader’ is, surely, to create an environment where all individuals can, and will, flourish, thus increasing productivity and reducing, for instance, absence.
Research suggests that when leaders show compassionate leadership, the team responds in such a way that they in turn ‘ape’ that behaviour and productivity increases, diminishing stress in individuals – all helping achieve company goals.
Evidence shows that altruism in leadership creates environments that facilitates problem-solving and generates cohesive, supportive cultures. A self-sacrificing leader ( – yes, within reason!) will make employees feel more loyal and committed, those employees will become more helpful and friendly to colleagues, accelerating that behaviour throughout the establishment.
We use a model called the Primary Colours Model of Leadership that helps organisations and their leaders to gain a better insight into the above ingredients in leadership.
To what extent are our leaders altruistic? Is it overplayed? Are our leaders’ personalities, their inclinations and preferences, conducive to aligning their staff to the company goals and to one another?
We have applied this model successfully with many organisations from the private and public sector, in many types of service and industry. Read more about this model and the Primary Colours Leadership tool by clicking on the link below:
The Primary Colours Leadership Model and Report
Are you curious to know how you score as a leader? Would you like to know how much appetite you have for being a leader, and how you tend to operate in a leadership role? Are you focused on results or on people – or both? How charismatic are you? How persuasive are you?
Contact us to get answers to these questions and to develop yourself as a leader – and improve your organisation’s success, too.
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