With our experience and independent approach, we help you to address the following issues:

Helping today’s leaders in a changing world
Today’s leaders are dealing with a constantly changing landscape. With growth comes a wider variety of disciplines having to come together within the leadership team e.g. marketing, operations, finance etc. Each discipline has their own agenda and these may be conflicting due to their nature. These leaders have to find a way to inspire, empower and mobilise the experts around them. They also must find ways of motivating them towards a shared vision.
For many, this requires the development or fine-tuning of such skills as reflecting, showing empathy, engaging in effective dialogue and connecting with a range of stakeholders.
Issues we can help with:
- We need our senior management team to work as a complementary group where each member understands how the group works together
- We need our leaders to understand how they can inspire and motivate their staff
- We need our leaders to be an example to others in terms of integrity and real customer focus
Identifying & retaining key talent
With an aging Senior Level workforce, and a more mobile workforce coming up, succession planning and a strong talent strategy is becoming more important. Research shows that almost half of leadership appointments are considered failures. For this reason, together with the significant costs of recruiting those leaders, it is critical to nurture and manage talent internally.
Issues we can help with:
- How do I reliably identify the most-suited internal candidates for appointment to roles?
- I need help to find the rising stars within the organisation and identify the most-suited candidate or members of staff for promotion. And: how do I do that fairly?
- We find retaining good people difficult; how do we develop those high performers and show them the benefits of staying with us?