It’s not a race We do not want to suggest that we should all race back to the office. Still, it seems the lockdown is being relaxed and workers are encouraged to go back to work if they are able to. Jan de Jonge, the founder of People Busines Psychology Ltd., was very recently featured […]
How much “Common Sense” have you got?
Page from “Terra-Filius” by Nicholas Amhurst (writing in March 1725): “There is not (…) a more uncommon thing in the world than common sense (…)”. How much “Common Sense” have you got? Appeals are made by both government and people closer to home to “use your common sense”. The United Kingdom, this beautiful country I […]
How Do You Cope with COVID-19?
Your personality has a lot to do with how you individually respond to the Coronavirus pandemic. “It’s all about people” – a claim we have all heard and many agree with. The way we cope with a development like Coronavirus that is sweeping the globe depends on many things. First of all, the pandemic may […]
The Importance of Hospitable Leadership in Hospitality
We often hear and read that leadership is crucial in business. In any business. Is this importance overstated? Having worked in the luxury-segment hotel industry, I subscribe to the idea that leaders have a strong influence of how, and how well, the workforce operates – especially in the hotel industry. Leaders not only influence how […]
Selecting senior managers for a new UTC Management Team – Case Study
Selection assessment for a new University Technical College – Case Study Situation A UK-based new-to-be-launched University Technical College (UTC) in Wiltshire (UK), needed to appoint two new key members of its management to join the Principal Designate and complement the UTC’s Senior Management team. Dozens of applications from existing teachers and headteachers had been received. […]
Silver and gold; find the mindset that will make you excel
Whether in sport or in the world of work, why do some people do OK, some feel they have failed and some others – a much smaller number of people – excel and become hugely successful? Many high-performing sports people end up being hauled in by commercial companies to help them boost motivation levels and […]