Early-career coaching
From job search to new starters, mid-career transition and advice on career development.
For those embarking on a first career, our talent assessment experts offer insider expertise on how to go about shaping first careers.
Embarking on a career; career coaching helps to make the right career moves
Many young people after leaving education struggle in the jobseekers market. Often armed with qualifications, but little direction or knowledge on how to make early steps towards reaching their full potential. They may have found themselves in the job market but facing unexpected or big hurdles.
For some, the transition into the world of work is unfamiliar. The workplace has different feedback customs around giving and receiving feedback than students are familiar with in college or university. Also, relationships in the workplace are different from relationships students build in college. The accountability at play in the world of work is of a different dimension than that in education.
Some may have limited qualifications or are seeking a career and need direction to reach their potential, potential that may not be realised as rapidly as one had expected – for a myriad of reasons.
“Fear and self-doubt have always been the greatest enemies of human potential“
Brian Tracy
What we offer
We offer recent graduates coaching to assist them on their journey towards and into their initial career steps. Coaching is geared towards the individual needs and may relate to aspects such as one’s plans, mindset, skills and behaviours. We also offer support in increasing graduates’ or career starters’ chances of success in the jobs market.
Our advice, insights, support and guidance can include the following:
Setting goals. Establishing clear, achievable career goals.
Self-insight. We help you understand your strengths, values, and what motivates and drives your work, your job, your profession should complement your life; it is often part of your identity.
Identifying your skills and any skills gaps. We use psychological approaches to identify your skills, strengths, preferences, behavioural styles and any areas for development.
Job search strategies. From helping you write a CV, speculative searches, to cover letters, interview preparation (including how to prepare that presentation you are asked to deliver!) and how to explore the job market.
Personal obstacles to career development. Coaching tackles issues or dynamics which may stand in the way from achieving personal targets related to work, professional goals and aspirations.
Guidance and insider insights into recruitment and selection. From competency-based interviewing, scoring, to assessment centre exercise advice and tips: we help you increase your chances of doing well as a candidate.
Finding the confidence needed to embark on new career steps. We also help you to deal with rejection and become more resilient and find positive energy that helps you achieve your career goals.
Psychometric assessment. As professional career psychologists, we use validated, accredited, registered quality assessment tools to get real clarity on what your preferences and your strengths are. We uncover the type(s) of work that suits you and where your interests lie. If you repest the word psycometric here I can put a libnk to a page
Ongoing support in any of the above. We can tailor our service to suit your personal needs and circumstances. Career coaching often includes in-depth, personal, confidential discussions, reflections and explorations of what is important to you, what underlies your wishes and aspirations, and addresses any concerns and worries that may be present.
If you feel you are finding obstacles in your preferred career path and would like to discuss this with us, please reach out and contact us to see if we can help.